【學術活動】包德樂個展 "No More UFOs" Solo Exhibition by Dean Brink—Artist-in-residence at Home under the Big Chimney

"No More UFOs" Solo Exhibition by Dean Brink—Artist-in-residence at Home under the Big Chimney


陽明交通大學外文系教授/六燃大煙囪駐站藝術家 Dean Brink 將於六燃「大煙囪下的家」展出他在臺灣的第一次個展,他的畫作探討了臺灣在新殖民勢力威脅下的動態,以及我們如何形成共感(Sensus Communis)。




Artist Statement By Dean Brink

The paintings in “No More UFOs” are reflections on being a citizen in an age of neocolonial danger. I associate UFOs with “Deus ex machina,” referring to divine interventions in Greek theater, where gods were mechanically suspended in the air to resolve intractable problems. As Taiwanese, we confront such impasses, and being politically unified among ourselves is in effect our responsibility, not the purview of outside forces (UFOs). These paintings explore the dynamics of a small country threatened by a neocolonial power and how we forge our sensus communis. As an immigrant to Taiwan (with dual citizenship), I understand the need for support from others to ensure the continuity of our way of life. As an American, I recognize the justified need for military support for Taiwan, which is under threat from another country that seeks to undermine our democracy and societal achievements. We currently face arbitrary threats and rely on the world for support, but it is ultimately our responsibility to secure our integrity as Taiwan.


By 包德樂
