【講座公告】專書講座:北京規則:中國如何將經濟武器化以對抗世界 Book Talk: Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World




講者:Bethany Allen 貝書穎 (美國前Axios新聞記者,現駐台灣)

與談人:Zha Daojiong 查道炯(北京大學南南學院和國際關係學院教授)

主持人:Allen Chun 陳奕麟(國立陽明交通大學文化研究國際中心專任研究員)

日期:23 October 2024


地點: 陽明交大光復校區 人社三館HC101 教室 (Zoom 線上同步)



Zoom Link 會議:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83469807651?pwd=OOahwKkVVuwBh996h65QDzTnkdfIU0.1

會議ID: 834 6980 7651

密碼: 533558



貝書穎(Bethany Allen)為前美國媒體 Axios的獲獎中國版記者,揭示了中國共產黨通過將經濟利潤與政治妥協掛鉤,迫使全球企業和政府接受其規則。新冠疫情標誌著中共首次在與全球每一個人健康和福祉直接相關的問題上運用其經濟脅迫的手段。然而,西方民主國家在這場北京的遊戲中並非無辜受害者,西方創造了專制資本主義崛起的條件,使政治價值與市場結構脫鉤。






Bethany Allen 貝書穎為一名獲獎記者,現駐台灣,專注於該地的外交政策、國家安全、科技和地緣經濟等議題。貝書穎以具一定影響力的獨家報導和調查報導聞名。除了Axios 外,其作品散見於《紐約時報》、《華盛頓郵報》、《大西洋》等國際媒體。











Book Talk: Beijing Rules: How China Weaponized Its Economy to Confront the World

Speaker:Bethany Allen 貝書穎 (Former China reporter, Axios)

Discussant:Zha Daojiong 查道炯 (Professor of International Political Economy at the School of International Studies, Peking University)

Convener :Allen Chun 陳奕麟(Research Fellow, International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU)

Date:23 October 2024


Place:HC101, HSS Building 3, Guangfu Campus, NYCU (Zoom 線上同步)

The talk will be held in English, with Q&A in English and Mandarin. (Mandarin Interpretation provided)
Zoom Link 會議:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83469807651?pwd=OOahwKkVVuwBh996h65QDzTnkdfIU0.1

會議ID: 834 6980 7651

密碼: 533558

Abstract :

Bethany Allen, the award-winning China reporter for Axios, shows that by tying profits to political acquiescence the Chinese Communist Party is forcing companies and governments around the world to accept its rules. The coronavirus pandemic marked the first time that the Party deployed its tool kit of economic coercion on an issue directly related to the health and well-being of quite literally every person in the world. But Western democracies aren’t helpless victims in Beijing’s game. The West created the conditions for the rise of authoritarian capitalism by divorcing political values from market structures.

Written by one of the first American journalists to expose China's covert influence operations in the United States, Beijing Rules includes headline-making stories of Western institutions bowing to Beijing’s pressure—a glimpse of what America’s future may look like should liberal democracy come firmly under the thumb of authoritarian capitalism. Grounded in deep investigative reporting, it sounds the alarm about what we must do to prevent the loss of freedoms we now take for granted.

【About Speaker】

Bethany Allen is an award-winning journalist based in Taiwan, where she focuses on foreign policy, national security, technology, and geoeconomics in the region. She is known for my ability to publish high-impact scoops and investigations, which she balances with quick-breaking news and analysis. Her writings have appeared in Axios, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Atlantic.

【About Discussant】

Prof. Zha Daojiong is a professor of international political economy in the School of International Studies, Peking University, where he also directs a Center on Transnational Issues and holds a professorship in the University’s Ocean Research Institute. He specializes in studying non-traditional security issues in China’s foreign relations, with a particular focus on energy, food, and trans-boundary water issues.

His recent research interest has expanded to political risk management for Chinese investments overseas, which took him on field trips to Africa, Australia, and Southeast Asia. He serves on advisory boards of the China Chapter of Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia Pacific, Chinese Association for International Understanding, China-USA Friendship Association, and China-Myanmar Friendship Association.


International Center for Cultural Studies, NYCU, Sub-project 1: The Geopolitics and Cultural Economy of Societal Relations in a New GreaterChina

Ministry of Education, Higher Education Sprout Project 2.0: "Conflict, Justice, Decolonization 2.0: Asia in Transition in the 21st Century"