【3/4, 3/11 14:30-16:20】
UAAT學者 Bohuslav Kuřík 系列演講
Speaker: Bohuslav Kuřík (Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, Charles University, Czech Republic)
ResisTerra: Conceptualizing More-than-human Resistance for the Anthropocene
Who does resist and who is in solidarity with whom? Who is demanding freedom and justice, how and against whom? What consequences arise from the recognition of the capacity to act politically? These questions have long been considered exclusively human. However, in the Anthropocene, the age of Human's defining influence on the Earth, they are increasingly revealed as more than human. Wars are being declared on viruses. Alliances are cultivated with the beaver to hold water in the landscape. Livestock running wild are tracked and traced to help or prevent their escape from farms and slaughterhouses. "Weeds" or "pests" like the bark beetle are made into heroic conservationists as well as enemies of the Republic. New conceptions and valuations of non-human labour or property by place or the Earth are being rethought. How to make sense of similar situations, in which other-than-human beings or materials become more often conceived of as not only food, resources or symbols but as allies or enemies in more-than-human struggles? How to comprehend the chaotic battles in which the Earth, in its multiplicity of processes and forms, is no longer just a chessboard in the background of human struggles, but one of its sides? And why, after all, is it important to understand it? The talk strives to start answering such questions by introducing the concept of more-than-human resistance.
Date: 2025.3.4 (Tue)
Time: 14:30-16:20
Venue: HK207 Hakka Building, Liou-Jia Campus, NYCU (陽明交大客家學院HK-207)
Moderator: Ya-Chung Chuang (莊雅仲) (Professor, Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, NYCU)
#On-site participation only
*Talk will be conducted in English, but both Mandarin and English are welcome during the discussion.
❏Online Registration
# Online registration will be due by 3/2
The Promises and Perils of Rights of NatureThe Promises and Perils of Rights of Nature
In recent years, cross-disciplinary debates are proliferating around the new legal tool or framework, the so-called rights of Nature. Some approach it with hope - as the missing link in strengthening environmental protection adequate for the troubling times of the Anthropocene. Others are more sceptical and do not see in the tool that much difference from the already existing structure of Nature protection inscribed in systems of modern law. In the lecture, the controversy is approached via political and environmental anthropology with a particular focus on detecting promises as well as perils of the rather novel legal concept.
Date: 2023.3.11 (Tue)
Time: 14:30-16:20
Venue: HK207 Hakka Building, Liou-Jia Campus, NYCU (陽明交大客家學院HK-207)
Moderator: Jeff Nicolaisen (倪杰) (Assistant Professor, Department of Religion and Culture, Hsuan Chuang University)
#On-site participation only
*Talk will be conducted in English, but both Mandarin and English are welcome during the discussion.
❏Online Registration
# Online registration will be due by 3/9