HKBU (Haimen) Institute of Science and Technology (IST) Invites Applications for Dual PhD Programmes 香港浸會大學(海門)科技研究院雙學位哲學博士課程招生
香港浸會大學(海門)科技研究院之成立,旨在培養高端人 才、創新知識及促進卓越學科及研究發展。研究院位於江蘇省南通市,由香港浸會大學全力打造,並與國際高等學府及科研機構緊密合作,致力提供優質研究生課程與推動國際合作研究項目。
申請時限 2014年3月1日至5月15日
申請人應具備: 一.認可大學或同等級的教育機構頒發的碩士學位;或 二.認可大學或同等級的教育機構頒發的一等榮譽學士學位
英語要求**: 托褔國際考試550分 (筆試) 或213分 (電腦考試) 或79分(網上考試) 以上,部份合作院校亦考慮相等雅思成績。 申請人需按網上申請表格的指引完成程序(, 請於 “Degree Sought” 及 “Field of Studies” 欄位上選擇 “Dual(IST)”),包括提交以下文件 (必須以英語填寫及附英語副本): 一.大學學位證書及成績表副本一份 二.兩封推薦函 三.一篇3000-4000字的研究計劃
*待浸大及美國俄亥俄州立大學教務議會通過 **詳細要求請瀏覽研究院網頁。申請人若在以英語作為母語國家取得學位證書或可豁免提交國際英語水平測試成績。
Enquiries 查詢: Tel 電話: (852) 3411-5127 / (86) 021-3501-0795 Email 電郵: / Website 網址:
Situated in Nantong, Jiangsu Province, the IST is a new research institute set up by the Hong Kong Baptist University to nurture talents, advance knowledge, and contribute to academic and research excellence. Partnering with reputed international universities, the IST provides high-quality postgraduate programmes and promotes international research collaboration.
Initially, the IST will collaborate with the Ohio State University* (OSU) in the U.S. and other international higher education institutions. We offer Dual PhD programmes in the following areas:
-Drug Discovery/Biomedical Science and related areas -Media and Communication Studies
With the medium of instruction in English, the programmes are carefully designed and fully quality assured. Students will be supervised by experienced professors from both HKBU and a partnering university. They will spend the first 2 years of study at IST/HKBU. After a qualifying examination, successful students will continue their study in the partnering university for 2-3 years and will be awarded two PhD degrees upon graduation, one each from HKBU and the partnering university. Full scholarship will be given to successful applicants.
This is a rare opportunity to broaden your worldview and advance your research capabilities. So act now!
Application Period 1 March — 15 May 2014
Admission Requirements Applicants should possess the following qualifications in related fields: a. a master!¯s degree from a recognized university or comparable institution; or b. a bachelor!¯s degree with first class honours from a recognized university or comparable institution
English Language Requirement: A minimum TOEFL score of 550 (paper-based) or 213 (computer-based) or 79 (internet-based). An equivalent score in IELTS may also be accepted.
Applicants must follow the instructions stated in the online application form at (please choose "Dual (IST)" for both fields of "Degree Sought" and "Field of Studies"), including submission of the following documents (in English):
a. one copy of all official transcripts and degree certificates b. two confidential recommendations c. a research proposal of 3000-4000 words *Subject to the approval of the Senates of HKBU and OSU **Please visit our website for details. Applicants who can demonstrate that they hold a university degree from a country where English is the mother tongue may not need to present the results of a test.