Abstract Submission Deadline for 2014 ITS Biennial Conference has been Extended

Dear Colleagues:

The deadline for submitting abstracts for the 20th ITS Biennial Conference to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has been extended to June 25, 2014.

The Conference itself will take place from November 30 to December 3, 2014. 

The full text of the Call for Papers is available on the Rio Conference web site at http://itsrio2014.com

If you wish to submit an abstract for this Conference but experience any difficulty with the EasyChair online submission system, please send a copy of your abstract or paper directly to institutotim@timbrasil.com.br 

General Conference inquiries should be directed to Gloria Rubiao of the local Organizing Committee atgrubiao@timbrasil.com.br 

Best regards.

Don Romaniuk
ITS Secretariat