China’s Environmental movement has very close relation with media and it began from a propaganda campaign launched by the central government to increase people’s awareness of the environment protection in the early 1990’s. By analyzing the developing process of the movement, this article shows that the relation between Chinese media and environmental movement has gone through three phases, in which media play different roles. The article takes several media agendas as cases to describe the changes in movement dynamics, media’ role and news-making process. This paper concludes that there is a resistant culture in the relation between China media and environment movement, that is why mainstream media tend to be sympathetic about the environmental NGOs and citizens in many agendas, and as a result, plays an opposing role against the government. The research shows that because the boundary-spanning practices in these gray zones, the role of media in contemporary China is quietly changing: media gradually acquire a role as “mouthpiece of the society”, although the original role as “mouthpiece of the Party” has remained unchanged. In a whole, this article illustrates not only the important role of media in the formation of environmental movement, but also the changes taken place in the China media reporting and media structure. These phenomena are very important for us to understand the formation of environment movement and the transition process of Chinese media.
environmental activism, agenda building, resistant culture, media empowerment, mouthpiece of the society