Flexible Production of Taiwan Television Drama in the early 1009s:A Post-Cold-War Perspective
Jocelyn Lai
本文企圖複雜化冷戰剛結束時,解嚴初期彈性化連結台灣及中國大陸電視業者而生產的兩岸「合拍劇」嵌入台灣電視地景之過程。本文聚焦於一個刻板印象化,但很少被深入反思的問題,解嚴初期彈性在兩岸生產的電視劇如何嵌入台灣電視?既然是一對一關係,過程當中必然牽涉台灣如何面對當代中國的問題,台灣如何想像「進入」台灣電視文化裡的後冷戰中國(picture of the other and the self-picture)?本文從後冷戰的觀點描繪解嚴初期的台灣電視劇兩岸彈性運作過程,並分析當時的中國大陸提供台灣電視不同的(經濟的、文化的、娛樂的)誘因,使台灣電視生產者與消費者各取所需。
This paper seeks to complicate and deconstruct the stereotype of the beginning of the Taiwanese cross-strait TV drama co-productions after the Cold War in the late1980s and early 1990s. Of special post-Cold War research interest, is the picture (the role) of contemporary socialist (Communist) China as well as the self-picture of Taiwan (still ruled by KMT) during the confrontation. Taiwanese “below-the-line” TV drama companies and creators were getting interested in exploring the foreign markets, including ex-Iron Curtain Chinese TV market, since the state-owned three TV stations have no strong intentions while the sub-contracted TV production companies have more flexibility in cooperation with Chinese TV stations. The “Mainland Fever” cultural nostalgia, craving to access information about contemporary China, in the Taiwanese society also offered favorable incentives to shoot TV in China. Many Taiwanese TV drama creators longed for the pristine, not yet capitalized scenery and well-known historic spots in China, vigorously collecting them into their drama productions. The Chinese labors contributed much on the symbolical and economical capitals accumulation of Taiwanese TV productions. Some of the Chinese actresses soon became famous in Taiwan. Although state-owned TV stations welcomed cross-strait co-productions for their high viewing rates, the state was reluctant. For KMT state a too-intensive rapprochement is very risky. The state was forced to cool down the “Mainland fever”, confining the unmanageable strait-crossing TV productions but the act of the government turned out to be pretty feeble. It is very important to notice that, China was ambiguously pictured as a technical assistance in the landscape of cross-strait cooperation due to the Cold-War KMT anti-Communism ideology in Taiwan society. As such, Taiwanese television creators opened the door to post-Cold War China and the regional market.
Taiwan TV, flexible production, the Cold War, Anti-Communism, Mainland China