Unlike the past approach of the quantative behaviorism, this essay attempts to analyse the trust in mass media theoretically from the perspective of german sociologist Niklas Luhmann’s systems theory. With “re-entry” and the “observation of the second-order” (Beobachtung zweiter Ordnung) this paper endeavors to demonstrate that the cause of the ability of temporalization of society in the operation of mass media, the trust in mass media is therefor a basic value (Eigenwert) while watching or listening the mass media. Hence this essay suggests that the works of communication research should base on the observation of the second-order in order to receive the trust in mass media as a basic value and to invastigate what is irritated by the communication research as a scientific system, and what can irritate the mass media. These works are also the main assignments of communication research.
Sociological systems theory, mass media, observation of second-order, trust