This research explores patterns of online mobilization today with a case study of PTT netcizen rescuers, particularly to understand the characteristics of online movements and the interaction between online and offline. In addition, observing how the contemporary media environment and the civic engagement in youth effect upon each other, such as the motivation and the interpretation of participation, and the characteristics of civic engagement in youth. This research interviews with 7 PTT netcizen rescuers, an average age is 25, and uses field observation method to analyze the bulletin of PTT_Emergency and PTT2_Yopth. There are three findings. First, there are five characteristics of online mobilization of PTT netcizen rescuers, including the distinction of PTT platform, button-up and interactive media environment, easy to participate, collective intelligence, and the difference organizational operation, members relationship between online and offline situations. Second, youth participation combines with multi motivations. And they deems that it is a personal duty of being a citizen, proving PTT netcizen rescuers display as a kind of youth civic engagement. Finally, the characteristics of civic engagement in youth contain temporary passion, high mobility, skillful at communication technology tools, and accustomed to the loose and multi social relations.
online mobilization, youth, civic engagement, PTT netcizen rescuers, Morakot