「喜新」還是「念舊」? 從動態網絡觀點探討Facebook與友誼之間的選擇和影響效果
“Like the new” or “love the old”?The selection and influence effect between the Facebook and friendship networkdynamics.
Whether communication technology makes an impact on the formation of friendship network is a long-standing controversy. A recurrent problem is the difficulty of separating the effects of social selection from the effects of social influence. In this paper, we regard the formation of friendship and the frequency of Facebook use behavior as joint dynamics to illustrate the applicability of the model, which established by Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis (SIENA) software program (Snijders, Steglich, Schweinberger, &Huisman, 2006).Making use of a five-wave network panel data, it is possible to assess the strength of selection and influence mechanisms underlying the observed dynamics between friendship network and Facebook using behavior. Findings suggest both process play a substantive role, with influence having a relatively stronger role than selectio(especially in reciprocated friendships).