2010年年會論文 -Mikhail Bakhtin狂歡節概念的民主化意涵:從批判取向論述分析的理論困境談起
Mikhail Bakhtin狂歡節概念的民主化意涵:從批判取向論述分析的理論困境談起
Democratization Implicated in Mikhail Bakhtin’s Concept of Carnival: A PerspecDilemma of Critically Oriented Discourse Analysis tive from the Reflections on the Theoretical
本研究旨在藉由檢視批判取向論述分析的理論困境探討 Bakhtin 狂歡節概念的民主化意涵,並提出一個說明言者如何透過語言進行意義解構和再建構的理論架構。首先,透過閱\讀批判取向論述分析的理論背景,本研究指出其理論架構中確實隱含了某種程度的民主化意涵。然而,有鑒於批判取向的論述分析並沒有提供充分的理論資源說明民主化如何在語言和文本中呈現與運作,因此本研究試圖接合Bakhtin 對狂歡節語言與身體論述的說法,對「民主化的語言過程」提供具
體的例說,並化解批判取向論述分析的理論困境。本研究發現,Bakhtin 藉由考
察狂歡節語言與身體論述的運作,訴諸一種「由下而上」的語言過程說明語言系統與社會系統之間的辯證關係。同時,Bakhtin 還進一步主張在此辯證關係中,經營「區分」、「接合」等具有特殊政治意圖的「語言形式」作為方案,以暴露主流政治社會的意識形態和權力本質,用以重新建構新的意義系統與知識。據此,本研究進一步指出,Bakhtin 的狂歡節概念一方面提供了一個理念型,用以重新建構語言與民主化的理論;另一方面也承繼且修正了Saussure 結構主義語言學的部分論點,並對後結構主義持續深入探討語言的民主化意涵有所啟發。
This paper aims to interpret the implication of democratization in Mikhail Bakhtin concept of carnival by reflecting the theoretical dilemma of critically oriented discourse analysis (CODA). Thereby, it proposes the theoretical framework to illustrate how the speaker deconstructs and reconstructs meaning with words. First, it affirms the implication of democratization to some degrees in CODA itself by reading its theoretical background. However, CODA doesn’t supply with sufficient resources
to theorize how democratization functions onto language and text. Bakhtin’s
perspective on carnivalized language and discourse of body is adequate to be
articulated to describe “the language process of democratization” concretely in the next part. This paper primarily finds that Bakhtin attempts to proceed the kind of “bottom-up” philosophy of language to address the dialectical relationship between linguistic system and socio-political system. Meanwhile, Bakhtin also tries to deploy the specific “form of language,” such as “differentiation” and “articulation,” to expose the ideology and power relations of existed socio-political institution, by this way resignifying a brand new system of meaning and knowledge. Based on the research
findings, this paper concludes that Bakhtin’s concept of carnival should be regarded as the ideal type of democratization on the one hand; it also revisits Saussure ’s semiology and inspires the post-structural discourse of theory on the other hand.
Bakhtin, democratization, resignification, critically oriented discourse analysis, carnival, form of language