How People Process Multiple Information Components of Television News? The Effects of Structural Features on Attention and Memory
The screen of television news contain multiple information components, so watching television is no longer just a single-screen information processing, multiple information components constantly influence viewers’ information processing process and cognitive resource allocation. Based on the relevant cognitive psychological study, Limited Capacity Model of Mediated Message Processing (LC4MP) and psychophysiology, the research is focused on the orienting responses that are elicited by automatic processing during encoding. We integrate the techniques of eye tracking and heart rate measuring to give us an insight into the viewers’ cognitive process and media effects on television news watching. Results show that the structural features of television news can result in improved attention, improved memory, and cardiac orienting responses. These results add to the growing body of knowledge on how people process television news.
multiple information components, The Limited Capacity Model of Mediated Message Processing, psychophysiology, automatic processing, orienting response, eye tracking, heart rate, structural features