2011年年會論文 -新媒體世代:互動式色情部落格的第二人效果、第三人效果研究
The Third-Person Effect on Interactive Media: The Case of Interactive Porn Site
陳韋賓, 黃宇萱, 鄭依潔
本研究採問卷調查法探討網路脈絡下的第二、第三人效果,以色情部落格為例,有效樣本 1369 份。研究顯示,首先整體色情態度偏正面,男性又比女性正面,女性評估對他人的負面影響高於男性。無性經驗者認為自己較易受到色情網站的負面影響。再來配對樣本 T 檢定顯示色情網站、色情部落格皆會產生第三人效果,但進一步分析後發現在色情部落格部分,第二人效果的比例較高(52.1%)。網路互動程度與網路色情態度呈正相關。本研究重要發現為色情部落格互動涉入度越高,評估他人與自己受色情部落格負面影響就越低,說明互動性對於認知差距會產生影響。最後經多元迴歸分析發現轉貼色情部落格文章頻率越高,會增強色情網站的第三人效果。建議未來研究,應重視網路多元價值,持續檢證網路脈絡下
The study examined the second- and third-person effects on interactive media using the largest interactive porn site in Taiwan, Avno1.com. Data used for this study came from a network survey posted on Avno1.com, a total of 1369 (93.7% of the available sample) respondents participated in
the survey. On the individual level, the results indicate that moderate positive effects of Internet pornography were generally reported by both men and women, with men reporting more positive effects than women. In line with previous research, female respondents tend to perceive greater negative effects of Internet pornography on others. Compared to sexually experienced respondents, inexperienced respondents perceived greater harmful effect of Internet pornography on themselves.
Furthermore, using the paired t-test, third-person effect was observed among both interactive and
non-interactive porn site users. However, stronger second-person effect was found among
interactive porn sites users (52.1%). In addition, exposure to highly interactive porn sites were
positively associated with attitude toward pornography, which indicates a correlation between
interactivity and self-other perceptual gap. Finally, multiple regression shows that active users who
have more desire to share information with others may exhibit a greater third-person effect.
The diversity of Internet use should be taken into consideration in future research, and the
third-person effect within the Internet environment should be further examined. Researchers should
also put more emphasis on the relationship between interactive media and the third-person effect
(the second-person effect), as well as the psychological mechanism underlying the effect.
interactivity, interactive website, third-person effect, second-person effect, Internet pornography