2011年年會論文 -Live 文,球迷的產製行為與即時互動—以 PTT Tennis 板與 Federer 板為研究場域
Live 文,球迷的產製行為與即時互動—以 PTT Tennis 板與 Federer 板為研究場域
“Live Discussing Thread”, the Production and Real-Time Interaction of Fans. Discover From Tennis and Federer Board in PTT.
「Live 文」是網友們在節目直播時,針對節目文本即時討論而形成的一種網路文章。本研究以網球賽事所對應的「Live 文」作為研究對象,將運動文本的「即時性」、「不可預知性」與「Live 文」的即時互動結合,探討運動文本所產製的「Live 文」有哪些特色,而使用者又藉由「Live 文」得到哪些特殊的觀賞經驗? 本研究以網路民族誌與引導式訪談法,將 PTT Tennis 板與 Federer 板作為觀察田野,募集 9 位使用者作為訪談對象。發現運動節目的「Live 文」與其他節目的「Live 文」所討論的內容大相逕庭。而球迷從中參與感與認同感,使得「Live文」變成一種約定俗成的聚會場所。
從「Live 文」中亦可看出,網路普及後傳播模式的改變與球迷主動性的轉移,從過去由轉播單位掌握傳播內容,逐漸改變為觀眾可自行選擇觀看的媒體形式、語言,甚至是主播。並且,已有播報網球的專業主播在播報同時使用「Live 文」,在媒體上直接與球迷對話,形成最簡單也最省錢的雙向傳播。「Live 文」或許\會成為未來影響傳播媒體的主力之一。
“Live discussing thread” is a kind of web articles which depends on the live TV shows and special events. This study based on the “Live discussing threads” that respond the tennis matches and looked forward to connecting the features of sports such as immediacy and unpredictability to the instant interactions and discussions on the internet; furthermore, the study hopes to explore the characteristics of these discussions and the special experiences of the audiences.
This study took netnography and guided interviews as research methods to observe the 15 discussing threads of ATP World Tour Final in forum of Tennis and forum of Federer in PTT, the biggest Bulletin Board System in Taiwan, and raised 9 PTT users as interviewees. The result of this study indicated that the “Live discussing threads” of sports are widely divergent from other “Live discussing threads” and the fans obtain sense of participation and identity. The “Live discussing threads” becomes the common meeting places.
According to the “Live discussing threads”, the ways of communication are different now and the audiences have more power to decide what they have to watch. Moreover, the “Live discussing threads” are the cheapest way of two-way communication and they may become the main effect of changing the media.
Real-Time Interaction, Sports fan, Internet audience, Netnography