The The The tendency tendency tendency tendency ofofofof media media media media social social social social movement movement movement movementssss inininin China China China China :::: AAAA case case case case study study study study onononon Wenzh
Chinese media, as were presented in many research papers, have been playing a great role in public sphere, however are still "party ’s mouthpiece" in terms of the nature of the Reform and Opening-up. This sort of macro-view simplifies the complexity of China ’s social transformation and media themselves. This paper argues that the interaction between media and the State on Wenzhou high-speed train crash in 2011, shows the neglected tendency of media social movements in China - media will publicly protest against the government ’s censorship and manipulation as soon as they have chances. By using the Western social movements theories, this article tries to explore drives behind media-led breakthrough from four-fold: political opportunity structure, mobilization structure, collective actions frame, and everyday forms of resistance.
中國傳媒 社會運動 動車追尾事故 新聞管制
Chinese media, social movements, high-speed train crash, media censorship