Beyond ontological dualism between reality and irreality: a theoretical frame
在討論被媒介所滲透的當代社會時,媒介社會學者往往看重虛構過剩的社會 後果,而不偏重閱\聽人對於意義的解讀。然而,閱\聽人研究傳統固然有主動閱\聽 人與被動閱\聽人之分,但對於現象的了解仍有所不足。至於協商意義的閱\聽人雖 然也帶來閱\聽人研究的曙光,但對於人所具有的想像力卻較少著墨。因而,本文 從德國傳播學者 Siegfried J. Schmidt 所提出的小說性(fictionality)出發,指出這 個概念一方面可幫我們超越真實與虛構的本體論對立,另一方面,也可強調事物 的可被想像性。 本文作者認為小說性的本體論應定位在批判實在論,而非社會建構論,雖然 它仍舊是一種知識論上的建構論。如此一來,我們才能解釋人類如何打造世界、 如何利用物質性並與它奮鬥。而正是因為要兼顧物質性與認知性兩者,所以援引 法國社會學者 Pierre Bourdieu 的實作理論(practice theory)來接合兩者,並闡述 其在日常生活中的運作邏輯。
When media sociologists discuss the modern media-saturated society, they always concern spectacle, simulacra, etc., which are not real. Evidently they ignore the process of interpretation of audiences. But classical approaches of audience, audience is positive, negative or negotiated, are not sufficient, because these researchers do not pay attention to the capacity of audience , and his everyday life. In this paper, the researcher uses the notion of fictionality which was suggested by Siegfried J. Schmidt to beyond ontological dualism between reality and irreality, and to highlight the imagination of the human. Besides, Pierre Bourdieu’s practice theory also plays an important role in this paper, in order to articulate cognition and materiality, and to demonstrate the logic in everyday life.
Ontological dualism, reality, irreality, fictionality, critical realism, practice theory