中國農民群體性事件中的組織傳播與情感研究 ——以2011 年廣東烏坎村事件中的 標語使用為例
Organizational Communication and Emotional Research of Chinese Peasants Rally—A Case Study of the Use of Slogan in 2011 Wukan Rally
In the Wukan Rally in Guangdong Province last year, the villagers’ flexible use of slogans is a stunning way to unite interior power, strive for exterior attention and achieve periodical victory. In this paper, the emotional analysis method is adopted based on the inter- disciplinary research results on international relations, psychology and sociology, to analyze the slogans villagers used at collective level and four phases are summarized. Then the function of these slogans at different phases is examined; changes of the slogans and their intra-relationship are analyzed. As last, it is proposed that it is crucial to understand and analyze slogans in emotional lens in the new societal background.