社群媒體中的自我揭露 ——以 Facebook 為例
Self-disclosure Self-disclosure Self-disclosure Self-disclosure inininin Social Social Social Social Media: Media: Media: Media: The The The The Case Case Case Case ofofofof Facebook Facebook Facebook Facebook
With the blossom of computer-mediated media, self-disclosure is no longer limited to the context of offline interaction. To portray the self-disclosure behavior in computer-mediated environments, especially on social media, this research adopted the online survey to investigate the self-disclosure behavior of Facebook users. While focusing on the impacts of motivations for usage and social anxiety tendency on the self-disclosure behavior, this research also tried to reveal the relationship between online self-disclosure and the perceived success of interpersonal relationship. According to the results, the motivation of relationship initiation was positively related to the amount dimension of self-disclosure, while the motivation of relationship maintenance was correlated to the honesty dimension of self-disclosure. Besides, users’ social anxiety tendency would moderate the effects of motivation on the amount and honesty dimensions of self-disclosure on Facebook.
relationship maintenance, relationship initiation, self-disclosure, social anxiety, perceived success