2015年年會論文 -回顧二十五年西進路:台灣電視人在中國大陸影視製作場域的美麗與哀愁(回流篇)
Review of Twenty-Five Years TV of Work Practices in China: The Return of Taiwanese TV Workers from China

本研究為一長期延續性研究,起源自 2008 年台灣電視製作人在中國大陸的工作實務的研究,經過八年的研究歷程,研究對象包括:電視節目製作人、影視藝人經紀人、以及電視自由工作者等。探討主題包括:工作實務、經紀策略、場域禁忌與潛規則、大資本對工作實務的影響、以及台灣電視人的回流等議題,本論文將為「回顧二十五年西進路:台灣電視人在中國大陸影視製作場域的美麗與哀愁」中的回流篇,採用推拉理論(push-pull theory)、以及慣習(habitus)等二個理論/取徑做為本研究的理論架構,針對中國大陸近年影視環境面的改變,以及台灣電視人回流等議題進行探討。本論文研究發現,在中國大陸電視製作場域中,主要的推力來自於媒體環境的快速改變,以至於能力不足以在大陸工作;對資淺的電視人來說待遇未必比台灣好;家庭、健康等因素都造成他們回流的因素。然而,回台發展空間小;在大陸即便只有零星工作量,收入比回台工作高等因素,讓電視人遲疑不前。最主要的鎖住力,讓資深台灣電視人放棄回台的念頭則是已在中國大陸落地生根;另外,視頻自製節目所帶來的機會,讓他們相信在中國大陸仍有很大的發展空間。在慣習方面,經過長時間在中國大陸工作,台灣電視人已從早期的「教育者」角色,到後來的「被教育者」角色,慣習方面的變化則發生在專業術語的使用、工作步調、以及視野等三個方面。自2014年8月至2015年2月為止,本論文於台北、北京、以及廣州等地共深度訪問了11位台灣電視人。


This article is part of a continuing study, Review of Twenty-Five Years TV Work Practices in China: A Journey of Taiwanese TV Workers in China, which includes a focus on changes of the TV environment in China and on Taiwanese TV workers' return to Taiwan from working in China. Within it the push-pull theory and Bourdieu’s notion of habitus are adopted.

This research article shows that in the Chinese TV production field, some push powers might instigate Taiwanese TV workers to return to Taiwan. The first push power originates mostly from the fast changing media environment, which causes Taiwanese TV workers who lack professional skills and who are unable to catch up with its pace to leave. For junior Taiwanese TV workers, the second push power is that their pay is similar to that which they earned in Taiwan. Lastly, personal considerations lead them to return to Taiwan from China. 

However, some pull powers lead Taiwanese TV workers to reconsider if they should return home. Firstly, if they return to Taiwan, they might not enjoy the same position as they have in China. Secondly, compared to their pay level in Taiwan, they can still gain a reasonable amount of money though freelancing jobs. The most crucial reason to moor in China is that that is where they have established their families. In addition, job opportunities in the website in-house production field encourage them to stay.

The changes in habitus of Taiwanese TV workers become evident in their use of TV production terminology, work pace, vision for their projects, and view of the Chinese market. For this research article, the researcher interviewed 11 Taiwanese TV workers in Taipei, Beijing, and Guanzhou between August 2014 and February 2015.

habitus, push-pull theory, return