本文以Skinner互動式語言、特定化以及媒介豐富論之生動性高低,探討Facebook粉絲專頁不同貼文類型對於品牌態度、貼文態度和追蹤意願之差異,並 納入感知擬社會互動作為中介變項,而心情則作為調節變項。透過線上實驗法使 參與者瀏覽不同設計方式的貼文,以2(貼文陳述方式:一般對話 vs 回答問 題)X2(特定化:有 vs 無)X2(貼文生動性程度:高 vs 低)發展八個實驗情境。研究 結果發現貼文陳述方式和生動性對於擬社會互動的影響會有顯著差異,且會受到心情的調節,而擬社會互動對於品牌態度、貼文態度和追蹤意願亦皆有所影響,也就是說,擬社會互動會完全中介貼文陳述方式對品牌態度之影響,同時也完全中介生動性對於品牌態度、貼文態度和追蹤意願之路徑,並以此研究結果作為粉絲專頁未來操作發展上的建議。
The current study used Intra-verbal, specialization and media richness theory to explore the effect of various types of fan page post.The study also investigated the mediating effect of parasocial interaction and the moderating effect of the mood on the processing of the influence between independent variable and mediator. With the approach of experiment, the study developed a 2(normal conversation vs answer the question)X2 (specialization vs non-specialization) X2(text and pcture vs text only) design and measured brand attitude, post attitude and follow intention. Results indicate that the types of statements and vividness influenced the parasocial interaction with moderating effect of the mood. And the parasocial interaction also influenced brand attitude, post attitude and follow intention. That is, parasocial interaction mediated the types of statements to brand attitude completely and the same effect was also found between vividness to all dependent variables. The results of the current study were applied to the marketing of fan pages in the future. Other findings and implications are discussed.