本研究以框架理論(Framing)和認知閉合需求論(NFCC)為理論基礎探討媒體報導與個人特質對核能態度之影響,採 2X2 組間設計實驗法。依框架理論觀點,以帶有不同框架之報導(擁核/反核)操弄,探討個人特質的差異(思考開放性人格/思考封閉性人格),對閱聽人觀看完報導後核能態度之影響。研究結果顯示不同框架之報導對不同個人特質的核能態度會造成不同的影響,而相同立場思考開放性人格與思考封閉性人格觀看完報導後,核能態度受到影響也不相同,研究者以現今閱聽人對於核能議題的普遍觀點做出解釋。
This study uses framing theory and Need for Cognitive Closure(NFCC) to examine the influence that media report and individual personality have on one’s attitudes towards nuclear energy. Through the manipulation of different media frames, subjects are exposed to separate framing reports (pro-nuclear/anti-nuclear), this research discusses the impact of different personalities (open-mindedness/close-mindedness) and how individual personality results in one’s attitude change towards nuclear issues. In our findings, media frames do influence one’s attitude to nuclear energy, while the degree of one’s attitude change varies with different personalities. We hope to shed light on the research of both framing theory and nuclear energy, providing a fresh perspective to nowadays nuclear energy issues.