The fact that Taiwan will turn into an aged society and a super aged society in three years and ten years respectively, implies that older people will be the majority in Taiwan’s population for the foreseeable future. Older people as a social identity, however, do not obtain their deserved attention in proportion to their size of population, even being discriminated and stigmatized in some cases. Besides, as the population ages, the dementia cases increase, affecting both the patients and caregivers. To cultivate the public with the correct knowledge of dementia and to promote the early diagnosis’s effect, is becoming the giant challenge for all the countries in the world. It is well known that stigma can reduce the willingness of help-seeking by the patients, potential ones and their family so as to discount the early diagnosis efforts by the healthcare professionals. By the text analysis of the four leading newspapers in Taiwan, this article seeks to discuss how the social identities of older people and the patients with dementia constructed by the media. The labeling and negative stereotyping are the main points of analysis. In addition to examining the complex relationship between older people, dementia and stigma, the article also offers alternative approaches to report such news themes.