本研究探討的中心問題為:不同個性的人在遇到不同壓力的時後是否會需要不同的支持性訊息,且因為這些諸多的不同,是否會偏好不同的傳播渠道來獲取這些訊息。因為本研究目的在探索變項間許多可能的交互關係,所以採用了橫斷面問卷法,為求研究真實可信度,問卷填答者都是正在經驗壓力的大學生。研究 結果發現,親和性與開放性高的受試者對於支持性訊息有更高的需求。另外,自律性與神經質程度與對匿名線上平台與單向的媒體渠道的偏好有顯著的相關。本研究也發現,當受試者認為較不能控制眼前的壓力的時後,會更偏好以單向的媒體渠道來尋找與獲得支持性的訊息。本研究也同時討論了其結果對於理論與實務 上的貢獻。
This research explored the inquiry of whether individuals with different personality traits would have different needs for support and different preferences for communication channels when they experience different stressors. Because of the attempt to analyze complex interrelationships among the variables, a cross-sectional survey that recruited participants who were under stress was conducted. The results indicated that individuals high in agreeableness and openness were more likely to have heightened need for support. Conscientiousness and neuroticism were associated with the preferences for anonymous online platforms and one-way media channels. Moreover, this research found that individuals who perceived a stressful event to be uncontrollable may be more likely to prefer one-way media channels. Both theoretical and practical contributions were discussed.