國防部進行臨兵役制度從徵兵制轉型為募兵制。招募的人數多寡與素質 精良與否,成為台灣建構國防戰力的重要關鍵。募兵廣告是我國乃至世界各 國說服潛在目標對象從軍的重要舉措。本計畫的研究目標是探究在募兵廣告 中,閱聽人的調檢焦點特性,如何與廣告框架一同影響青少年的從軍意願。 並且,檢驗廣告與青少年間的社會距離在其中又如何扮演調節的角色。研究 者以 2(調節焦點)X2(廣告框架 )X2(社會距離)隨機分派組間實驗設計 為檢驗方法。招募 340 位台灣募兵潛在目標參與研究,研究成果在理論的價 值,期待能將廣告效能檢驗,同時納入閱聽人特質與廣告框架內容與閱聽人 與廣告之間的社會距離等三個因素一同考量,提出符合台灣當前社會脈絡的 募兵廣告說服路徑,亦提供國防部門募兵廣告策略建議。
The Ministry of National Defense (MND)is transitioning the military men force system from a draft system to all-volunteer force system. The quality and quantity of recruitments are the essentials of the power of national defense. Recruiting advertisements are the focal point for countries to attract potential recruit target to serve for the nation-states. This program is examining three crux variables which influence Taiwanese propensity toward military services, including advertising framing, perspectives of regulatory-focus and social distances. 340 participants were randomly assigned to the 2X2X2 between subject experimental design for exploring the effectiveness of military recruiting advertisements. This study will contribute the theoretical framework on the relationship among advertising framing, perspectives of regulatory-focus of the audience, and social distances. Also, the results would provide suggestions for strategies of recruiting advertisement for the MND.
Keywords: advertising, military recruiting, regulatory-focus, propensity, social distances