社群媒體如 Facebook、LINE 為現今驅動內容網站流量的重要來源。當 網站訪客造訪網站,而看到廣告出現,或是進一步點擊廣告時,廣告主即須 支付廣告費給予內容網站。為增加網站流量,內容網站往往經營社群媒體導 入流量。本研究透過產學合作取得特定內容網站之社群媒體、網站伺服器以 及廣告收益資料並加以整合。分析所取得之二十六萬筆內容張貼資料後,發 現文字內容以及張貼時間等因素確實可影響個別內容張貼之收益。
Social media, such as Facebook and LINE messenger, are the primary driving force for the traffic of some content websites. Whenever an advertisement appears or is clicked, the website would get some income. Content websites often try to attract traffic through their own social media account. In this study, we cooperate with a content website and were provided with privileges to access their social media and website access information. Using naïveBayes and decision tree algorithm we were able to build a prediction model to predict social media post revenue from several variables retrieved from APIs from different web services.
Keywords: social media; content website; internet advertisement; data mining