本研究旨在藉由 Bakhtin 晚年所述之「外部性」的觀點新義,探討理解 的 ( 不 ) 可能性。首先,透過 Bakhtin 於 1970 年間所撰寫的四篇環環相扣 且自成一格的論述著作,本研究將推敲其中所醞釀揭示的「外部性」觀點, 如何展現出不同於 Bakhtin 前期對話論的部分內涵。其次 , 順著 Bakhtin 國 際學圈的重量級研究者 Emerson 對於 Bakhtin 在俄國學術語境持續發酵的 整體討論和譯介,本研究計畫將從「往復否定論」、「重複的不可重複性 (repeatably unrepeatable)」這兩條互相配搭的軸線,將「外部性」進一步演 繹為 Bakhtin 晚年所欲提出的極為特殊的反向民主觀和對話疏離論。最後, 不同於傳統語藝三角典範相對單純地強調「言者─聽者─語藝主題」之間的 聚合性、平衡感而非衝突性和失諧化,本研究將指出晚年 Bakhtin 的「外部 性」觀點更在意訴諸的是語藝三角往「言者功能」而非本質形象端的偏斜, 以及「再現機制」的隱身卻仍在對話現場。據此,過去 Bakhtin 對話論所強 調的被聽聞、誰在被陳述等問題意識,此番被更為多重異質甚至是缺乏共識 慾望的話語意識給影響滲透。此類語藝情境或困境,正是特定言者在論述打 造的語藝過程中,所有意或無意體現的「空間之外、時間之後」的理解的 ( 不 ) 可能性。
This research aims to introduce Mikhail Bakhtin’s perspective of “outsiedness” in his later years and elaborate its significance for the (im)possibility of understanding. First, it attempts to indicate the specific character of “outsideness” as a whole by comparing to some earlier writings from Bakhtin. Inspired by Caryl Emerson, who is regarded as the representative scholar in the Bakhtin circle, and her interpretation of some emergent issues referring to “outsideness” from the Russian intellectuals, it states the so-called “defamiliarization” and “reversal democratic model” might inherent in Bakhtin’s re-problematization of dialogue as creative understanding. That rhetorical strategies and rhetorical situation of “outsideness” should be crystallized into two different but related lines of “reciprocal negation” and “repeatably unrepeatable” furthermore. Based on the theoretical deduction, it argues that Bakhtian perspective of “outsideness” is different from the traditional triangular paradigm of rhetorical events which focus purely on the fusion and balance (rather than conflict and dissonance) among rhetor-listener-subject. What matters during these later years of Bakhtin is the bias of communication definitely proceeds from deliberation or creative consciousness of “rhetor” to “superaddressee” (as an absent present). Last but not least, the specific discursive formation that is outside of it in space and after it in time, would be the critical case for rhetorical analysis in the future.
Keywords: reversal democratic model, Mikhail Bakhtin, outsideness, understanding, defamiliarization of dialogue