本研究主要針對政治態度不明確的中間選民,引用差異接收模型 (the differential gains model) ,將模型對於人際溝通的概念,延伸至社交媒體, 探討其同樣接收不同媒體的政治訊息,會因為使用社交媒體與他人溝通互 動,進而影響政治參與的意願。研究發現,大眾傳統媒體式微關注程度確實 下降不少,在控制傳統媒體與數位媒體政治訊息關注程度後,中間選民確實 會因為社交媒體與他人討論政治話題,而提高政治參與的意願。
This study mainly focused on those who felt ambivalent toward the competing parties in Taiwan’s 2018 nine-in-one elections. Go beyond the main effect of media, this study examined the differential gains model which theorizes joint effects of political communication. Bringing the differential gains model to the social media, study found that except receiving information from different kinds of media such as mass media or video platform, the more ambivalent voters interact with their friends and talk about political issues, the more political participations will they attend.
Keywords: interpersonal interaction, mass media, ambivalent voters, social media, political engagement, differential gains model