2019年年會論文 -文化戰爭下論述的道德向度語藝分析-以「幸福盟」倡議反同婚為例
Rhetorical Analysis of Moral Dimensions in a Cultural War: ─A Case Study of Initiatives Against Same-Sex Marriage by the Coalition for the Happiness of our Next Generation
曹開明 劉大華

 本研究依據道德基本理論,採取道德基礎字典結合文本探勘工具,針對 幸福盟反同婚文本進行語藝群集分析,發現幸福盟兼採各個道德基本原則但 著重在「忠誠」、「權威」的道德母體樣態,並可歸結出幸福盟已然形成一 套「論述形構」,強調「自然婚姻」制度攸關社會存續,一夫一妻制不容變更, 並在保障同志生活權益的前提下,反對同志運動者倡議性解放,咸認性解放 與同志婚姻劃下等號,致使同婚恐傷害下一代孩子的幸福;此外,幸福盟也 指責同運人士濫用人權為號召,涉及逆向歧視多數公民,要求尊重反同婚者 的良心自由。本研究建議應透過理解反同婚陣營採取的道德基本原則特徵, 弭合同婚議題衝突的文化戰爭,方能俾益後續的溝通與性別平等政策推行。

Based on the basic theory of morality, this study draws on moral foundation dictionary of and other text mining tools to analyze the rhetorical clusters surrounding texts against same-sex marriage by the Coalition for the Happiness of our Next Generation. Analyses show that the Coalition adopts basic moral principles, but stresses the importance of “loyalty” and “authority” to form its own set of “discursive formation” emphasizing that the "natural marriage" system is essential to the survival of a society and that monogamy should not be challenged. Although the Coalition claims to protect basic rights of the gay community, it opposes sexual liberation initiatives that are proposed by gay rights groups, and equates sexual liberation with gay marriage, claiming that same-sex marriage can threaten the happiness of future generations. In addition, the Coalition accuses gay rights groups of taking advantage of human rights issues, and of reverse discrimination against the majority of the population. It demands to be respected for its freedom of choice against same-sex marriage. This study suggests that by understanding the basic moral foundation theory principles held by anti-gay marriage groups, the cultural war on same-sex marriage can be better negotiated, leading to improvements in subsequent communication and the implementation of gender equality policies.

Keywords: moral foundation theory, moral foundation dictionary, text-mining, cluster analysis, cultural war  

moral foundation theory, moral foundation dictionary, text-mining, cluster analysis, cultural war