信念回聲主張事實查核報導並非完全無效,當候選人受到負面假新聞攻 擊時,事實查核報導雖無法讓候選人聲勢回溫至被攻擊前,但依然能做出有 效更正。本研究發現,當閱聽人與候選人政黨傾向一致,且暴露於負面假新 聞所產生的認知失諧程度愈強烈、認為新聞可信度愈低時,其接受後續正面 新聞 ( 一般選舉新聞或事實查核報導 ) 的程度就愈大。此外,本研究也發現, 事實查核報導對於政黨傾向不一致的選民,同樣具有更正效力。
Belief echoes claim that fact-checking is not completely ineffective. Although it is not absolutely effective when candidate attacked by a negative fake news, fact-checking can still make effective corrections. This study found that the belief echoes would be lower than other when the party of the audience and the candidate tend to be consistent. In addition, the results also found that fact-checking would be effective when party tend to be inconsistent.
Keywords: fact-checking, fake news, belief echoes, cognitive dissonance, negative designation, credibility