本文從遊戲化 (ludification) 被紛亂使用的現況入手,企圖沿著媒介化 理論的發展軌跡,找尋看待遊戲化的方式,並且在考究的過程中引介媒介 化理論的現況及其一套方法論傳播形定 (communicative figuration, Hepp & Hasebrick 2018)。除第一小節緒論部分之外,文章規劃如下:在說明遊戲化 的去規範化 ( 第二節 ) 與擴散觀 ( 第三節 ) 之後,本文轉化了傳播形定概念工 具提出一套方法論 ( 第四節 ) ,並且透過精靈寶可夢系列遊戲實際演示這套方 法 ( 第五節 )。文末結論部份將討論遊戲化對於電玩研究 / 研究電玩的啟示以 及傳播形定取徑的限制。
This article begins with the unclear using of ludification which is currently similar to the early development of mediatization. By referring to mediatization, this article provides an alternative way that is more certain to see ludification. The author firstly explains that ludification should be understood with none-normative sense and diffusing modality; then introduces communicative figuration (Hepp & Hasebrick 2018) approach to research ludification with a case study. In the concluding section, the author discusses implications for video game studies and reflects shortness of communicative figuration approach.
Keywords: Communicative Figuration, Mdiatization, Ludification