人為氣候變遷 (Anthropogenic climate change) 是本世紀最嚴峻的風險議 題,其牽涉層面包括生物、地理、醫學、政治(策)、文化、科學、倫理等 諸多領域,已形成特殊的社會、經濟、環境風險挑戰,且人類社會正進入氣 候災難的世界主義化過程(周桂田, 2017 : 1、245)。在此一過程中,全 球社會透過傳統媒體、新媒體、人際管道傳播此一攸關人類生命存續的重大 議題(徐美苓, 2019)。本研究以內容分析方法及敘事分析取徑,針對 2009 年(聯合國哥本哈根氣候變遷會議 ) 到 2017 年 ( 聯合國德國波昂氣候變遷會 議)期間,線上串流影音媒體 YouTube 平台上的氣候變遷災害影音文本,分 析其消息來源、標題、發布日期、影片長度、影片類型、權威類目、方向等 內容分析類目的表現, 並探討點閱數、按讚數、訂閱數最高的影片文本之敘 事主題、結構形式、敘事意涵,以及敘事背景與情境脈絡。
Anthropogenic climate change (global warming) is considered the most excruciating risk that threatens human sustainability in the twenty first century. Traditional and internet digital media (new media) play pivotal roles to educate and enlighten the public on this irreversible ongoing crisis. As a leading video-sharing webcasting and global streaming social medium, YouTube is renowned for acting as a popular science provider and climate science educator on climate change and global warming crisis. The current study employs methods of content analysis and narrative analysis to examine the most viewed, liked, and subscribed climate crisis videos on YouTube to study the narrative themes, narrative structure and meanings as well as their contextual backgrounds.
Keywords: Climate change, Global warming, Narration, Science communication, YouTube