本研究嘗試從傳播研究取徑入手,分析臺灣新聞報導如何定位、呈現全球化#Me Too興起之後的台版#Me Too,以之呈現臺灣在一片「臺灣為什麼沒有#Me Too運動」的提問聲中,主流新聞媒體如何呈現臺灣版本的#Me Too事件。美國2017年10月興起的#Me Too運動不只因為影視從業女性在社群媒體上號召,蔚然成風;紐約時報與其他新聞媒體報導性侵性虐待事件以及再現網路運動,將此一運動推展到同溫層之外,從而擴及全球。本研究自國內四報報紙全文資料庫蒐集2017年10月至2019年年底,有#Me Too入標的新聞報導1500則,先呈現這段期間國內以#Me Too定位的新聞報導的起落幅度;其次,除了翻譯報導美國、日韓等其他國家有關#Me Too的新聞報導之外,臺灣新聞媒體對於本地性騷擾性侵犯事件如何擇取、對Me Too運動之名而將事件入座?標題與報導如何(或不)構連#Me Too?標題呈現與報導敘事反映了新聞室對一個全球性別賦權運動標誌在地化的做法,新聞媒體從而建構了臺灣版本的#Me Too。
一、自2017年10月至2019年年底,台灣平面及其媒體集團網路新聞媒體如何報導#Me Too發展與本地事件?報導中如何呈現受害人的立足點(stance)?
二、相關新聞報導如何再現社群媒體或其他呼應受侵犯遭遇的數位自揭故事(digital self-disclosed #Me Too stories)?
三、以#Me Too入標的報導框架與過往相似社會案件的報導框架異同?
本研究採言說分析中多種言說策略(discoursive stragegies),聚焦以#Me Too入題的新聞中受害人形貌、有無援用在他處平台(社群媒體)上發聲的受害人故事、以及以今昔的新聞相比,探就以#Me Too名之的新聞,是否真的有了不同於前的視角與框架。
This research aims to analyze the discourse of the news report with the term #Me Too in headlines for the past two years in Taiwan since the #Me Too movement spread world-wide.
The #Me Too movement originated in 2006 as social activist Tarana Burke voiced her support for the victims of sexual violence. The movement went viral after American actress Alyssa Milano adopted #Me Too on her twitter and encouraged women who experienced sexual harassment to join her and # their own self-disclosed experience of sexual violence in 2017. Thousands of women added #Me Too hashtag as they shared their stories on the social media platform afterwards.
Given the steady rise of #Me Too movement in Asia, more news coverage headlined their news stories with 'Taiwan version of #Me Too' in Taiwan since year 2018. However, most of the news stories are about investigations on sexual violence instead of victims' self-disclosures of their own stories mediated by social media. Social media play a crucial role in mobilizing socially conscious publics as victims share their stories via twitter, FB, and other platforms. People online spread the stories and eventually wide-spread social media chatter generated the social movement. The traditional mainstream news media here in Taiwan only branded their stories as part of the #Me Too rage while the news contents have little to do with victims' voices, this research adopt the discourse analysis and in-depth interview to look into the narratives of the news stories released at mainstream news media in Taiwan.
Three research questions are thus raised:
1, Among all the news stories labeled #Me Too, how are the news stories told? What the stories headlined Taiwan #Me Too are about? What are the stances of the victims portrayed?
2, Is there any self-disclosed #Me Too stories cited from social media and reported in news media? If yes, how are they translated into news writing?
3, What are the differences and similarities between the frameworks adopted by the news reports on sexual abuse before and after the emergence of #Me Too movement?