本研究聚焦媽咪社群,藉由質性研究觀察微網紅和粉絲的勞動如何創造廣告效益、促進產品銷售、實踐資本累進。閱聽人商品論批判媒體製作節目內容、生產閱聽眾眼球、銷售 給廣告主。在媒體社群化的今天“聯結收視”的生態已然成形,閱聽人參與遠遠超越“看廣告”這樣單純被動的勞動,新型態的閱聽人商品會在社群媒體上以何種模式出現?理論上又該如何重新解讀?是本研究欲探討的核心問題。
This study focuses on mommy online communities and qualitatively observes how micro- influencers and their followers create advertising effect, promote products, and accumulate capitals. The critique of audience commodity theory has long been on the selling of audience eyeballs by the media to advertisers. Nowadays, a media ecology of connected viewing has become popular. How does the new form of audience commodity look like on social media? How should this study re- interpret audience commodity theory under this novel situation?
The researcher conducted 9 semi-structured interviews in six months. Each interview lasted for one to two hours. The interviewees were influencers, brand managers, talent managers, and marketing strategists.