「擁護特定政黨」意指支持單邊的政治立場,並造成政治極化的負面現象。本論文以內容涵蓋旺旺中時集團媒體的《中時電子報》為研究對象,採取質化的網路 民族誌與深度訪談為研究方法,並兼採 CrowdTangle 軟體量化使用者互動人數。論文研究發現,《中時電子報》的報導取向為擁護特定候選人,報導中經常出現陰謀論與假新聞,並常以大陸媒體為消息來源進行宣傳。本論文從新聞專業檢視,《中時電子報》在總統大選期間的報導未能平衡,缺乏可靠的新聞來源,已失去獨立報導的精神。本論文強調,因為民眾多相信傳統新聞媒體,以致於其所導致的錯誤更具殺傷力。
“Hyperpartisan”expressed one-sided political agenda which exacerbated political polarization. Based on qualitative online ethnography method, in-depth interviewing and quantitative CrowdTangle, this article investigated the coverage of Chinatimes.com in the Presidential Election in 2020. This paper found Chinatimes.com showed the characteristics of hyperpartisan, along with conspiracy theory, propaganda and fake news from China media. This paper also found the reports of Chinatimes.com are lack of balance, source and independence. This paper argues the mistakes at traditional news organizations are more harmful because readers are likely to believe them more than off-brands online sits and social media.