本文由何謂「人味兒」及「人味兒」之書寫入手,接續闡釋學術論文之「人味兒」所指為何以及如何寫出帶有「人味兒」的學術論文,並以「敘事論」為基 底,探討引入「小說體」(敘事體)之可能。
This paper aims to discuss how an academic paper, other than showing its scholarliness, could also be written with humanistic quality with a purpose to invite its readers to go through the whole pages and be deeply impressed.
Starting with a delineation of what is the so-called “humanistic quality” and how it could be applied to the writing of a general article, the paper then explains what the academic paper’s humanistic quality means and how an academic paper could be composed with such a quality, particularly by using a storytelling style.
It is considered that the writing of an academic writing is more than to fulfill those regulated in a style guide. Rather, it needs to propose theoretical discoveries and present critiques of the current theories by using a storytelling method, or a narrative style, to invite people to read and learn.