1990年代起,東南亞女性與台灣男性通婚日益增加,本研究借鑒薩依德(Edward W. Said)對東方主義的批判,從被虛構化的「他者」視角,導入在台的東南亞新住民,於媒體賦權後,促其為己發聲,爭取擺脫過去被動賦予負面形象的脈絡。研究發現,主流媒體負面言論,反而激發新住民力求改變,透過傳播力的培訓與掌有,翻轉被建構宿命;惟賦權過程中,政府資源的挹注,仍扮關鍵性角色。
Since the 1990s, there has been an increasing number of marriages between Southeast Asian women and Taiwanese men. This study draws on Edward W. Said's critique of Orientalism and introduces Southeast Asia new immigrants from the perspective of a fictionalized "other". After the media empowerment, they were urged to speak for themselves and strive to get rid of the negative passive image of the past. The study found that after the Taiwanese media constructed the negative reports, instead, this reports motivated the new immigrants to change. Through the media empowerment, the new immigrants’ image of construction was reversed; however, the government's resources still played a key role in the process of empowerment.