為探討通訊軟體 LINE 上發生錯頻事件時,對閱聽人的影響。本研究操弄收回訊息行為與關係強度,探討對負面情緒與關係滿足的影響,並加入違反預期理論為調節變項。透過線上實驗法,收集有效樣本共 260 份。結果發現:錯頻情境下有、無收回訊息行為對閱聽人負面情緒影響差異不大,而關係強度越強,閱聽人所產生的負面情緒越高;軟性情緒會增加關係滿足,平板性情緒則會降低關係滿足;閱聽人的違反預期程度會調節關係強度對負面情緒的效果。
For exploring influence of audience in wrong chat on LINE, researchers manipulatebehavior of unsending and tie strength to find consequences of negative emotion andrelationship satisfaction while adding Expectancy violation theory for moderating.Through online experiments, a total of 260 valid samples were recovered. The resultsof the study found that: more strong of tie strength, more negative emotions audiencegenerating, but there were no differences to negative emotion whetherr behavior ofunsending exsist or not; Soft emotion would increase relationship satisfaction while flatemotion decreasing it; The extent of expectancy violation would moderate effect of tiestrength to negative emotion.