2022年年會論文 -黨媒姓黨?疫情下《人民日報》的框架化分析



We usually directly accept the statement of “Party media surnamed the party” regarding the party spirit of the CCP’s official media. However, it is this intuitive reaction that makes people think that these media, whether these media, which are intuitively identified as party media, really have exactly the same ideology as the Central Committee of the CCP. Facing the sudden novel coronavirus outbreak, will the party media maintain a consistent discourse with the party? In this regard, this article raises three questions: "how the CCP's ideological frames are presented in the party media?", "whether the party media is entirely surnamed the party", and "how does the party media use the ideological frames under the pandemic". This article first uses the "Political Report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China" and the "People's Daily Commentary" as the corpus data; second, using text mining and co-occurrence analysis through CORPRO, then mapping the semantic networks. At the same time, interpreting and constructing the ideological "frame packages" base on the semantic networks; in the end, analyze and compare the similarities and differences of the ideological frames of the two corpora. From the research results, it can be found that the ideology of the CCP is mainly presented in the "frame of national development", "frame of the party's leadership" and "frame of China's image". In the party media, although the major frames are the same as the "Report", in the sub-frames, each of them is adjusted in context according to the time and space environment at that time, so as to achieve frames that are correspond to the interests of the Party Central Committee. Therefore, under the major frames, the use of the ideological frames by the party media is quite flexible, and being able to adapt to time and local conditions. Through text mining, semantic network and framing analysis, this paper attempts to deconstruct the characteristics of the CCP's media from a hybrid research method, and provides a research approach on how the CCP uses the CCP's media to frame ideology in the face of emergencies. 

Party media surnamed the party; People's Daily; framing analysis; ideology; CORPRO; semantic network