2022年年會論文 -紀錄片的科技與倫理敘事分析:以《基因解密》(Human Nature)為例
紀錄片的科技與倫理敘事分析:以《基因解密》(Human Nature)為例
Technological and Ethical Narrative Analysis of Documentary Films: Taking Human Nature as an Example
本研究從科學傳播的角度出發,探討紀錄片如何建構觀眾對特定科學議題 的認知與態度,又如何在藝術化處理後保留準確的科學觀念。鑑於基因科技議 題有較高的知識複雜性和精確度,與注重呈現的自然或環境紀錄片有別,故本 文選擇紀錄片《基因解密》(Human Nature)為主要研究對象。本研究亦關切譬 喻與認知基模在觀賞過程中的效應:例如影片如何形塑觀眾對科學社群的印 象、科技倫理議題的呈現是否恰當等。 研究發現,本片在科技面向的敘事節奏能激發觀眾學習興趣,引導其參與 科學邏輯推論過程,激發學習興趣,開放式的結尾保留觀眾觀影後的思辯空 間,有助公民科學素養的提升。但在倫理面向,本文通過與科學家 Jennifer Doudna 的著作《基因編輯大革命》對話發現,本片探討倫理議題時片面呈現 科學事實,並藉文學、科幻作品的譬喻召喚觀眾對技術的恐懼情緒,有導致觀 者對技術產生恐懼和牴觸情緒之虞,是仍需謹慎處理的層面。
From the perspective of science communication, this study explores how documentaries construct audiences' perceptions and attitudes toward specific scientific issues, and how to preserve accurate scientific concepts after artistic processing. In view of the high knowledge complexity and precision of genetic technology issues, which are different from the nature or environmental documentaries that focus on presentation, this paper chooses the documentary Human Nature as the main research object. This study also concerns the effects of metaphors and cognitive schema in the viewing process, such as how the film shapes the audience's impression of the scientific community and whether the presentation of ethics issues of scientific and technological is appropriate. The study found that, in terms of technology, the narrative of this film can stimulate the audience's interest in learning, guide them to participate in the process of scientific logical inference, and stimulate their interest in learning. The open ending can also preserve the audience's thinking space after watching the film, which is helpful for the improvement of citizens' scientific literacy. But compare with the scientist Jennifer Doudna's book A Crack in Creation, this study found that on the ethical level, this film presents scientific facts one-sidedly when discussing ethical issues, and uses the metaphor of literature and science fiction to call on the audience's fear of technology. There is a risk of causing viewers to be afraid and emotional about CRISPR, which is an aspect that still needs to be handled with caution.
science communication, gene technology, cognitive schema, metaphor, technology ethics.