2021 年諾貝爾和平獎頒發給 Rappler 創辦人---瑪麗亞.瑞薩(MariaRessa),使臺灣開始關注到杜特帝政府對其壓迫,以及菲律賓新聞自由的黑暗面。記者人身安全向來是重要的研究主題,記者遭殺害問題,更受到國際組織的關注。根據國際記協(IFJ)的調查報告,菲律賓長期以來就被視為是具致命危機的新聞採訪環境。有鑑於杜特帝上任以來,即高度使用暴力讓菲律賓的民主染血。由此形成本研究問題是,究竟被直指為血腥強權的杜特帝,在其主政下的菲律賓記者遭殺害問題是否陷入更為嚴重的情況?透過運用保護記者委員會(CPJ)的全球有罪不罰指數統計、記者遭暴力攻擊統計資料庫,分析比較各任總統的表現。本研究發現,在杜特帝的執政下,有關記者遭殺害的各項研究數據和指標,均顯示好轉,而不是惡化趨勢。然而這樣的研究發現也不能夠就此說明,記者頻頻遭殺害以壓抑新聞自由,杜特帝是沒有責任的。作為一個強人總統,杜特帝自執政以來,不僅未能改變地方記者遭殺害的問題,甚至發生地方記者遭殺害比例最高的紀錄(83.3%)。這顯示,杜特帝政府不論在消極義務或積極義務,均有待提升。
The 2021 Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to the founder of Rappler--Maria. Maria Ressa has brought Taiwan's attention to the oppression of the Duterte administration and the dark side of press freedom in the Philippines. This leads to the question of whether the killing of journalists under Duterte, has fallen into a more serious situation? Using the Committee to Protect Journalists' global impunity index, and the database of attacks on the press. The study found that under Duterte, research data and indicators on journalists' killings have shown an improvement, not a worsening trend. However, as a strong president, Duterte has not only failed to change the issue of the killing of local journalists since he came to power, but even recorded the highest percentage of local journalists killed (83.3%). This shows that the Duterte government should step up in both negative and positive obligations.