本研究探討 Instagram 使用者的認可需求、印象管理與虛假自我呈現的關係,以及大、小帳的虛假自我呈現對焦慮、抑鬱、壓力的影響,並研究使用小帳是否降低負面心理情緒。研究透過線上問卷調查法,共收回 262 份有效樣本。研究結果發現:印象管理是使用者在 Instagram 上進行虛假自我呈現的重要變因;在 Instagram 上進行虛假的自我呈現會增加負面心理情緒;使用者在小帳比起大帳呈現較真實的自我;雖然在小帳可以較真實地呈現自我,使用小帳卻更容易產生負面情緒。
The study aimed to explored the impact of Instagram users' needs for approval and impression management on false self-presentation, as well as the relationship between false self-presentation and anxiety, depression, and stress; in addition to the effect of using fake Instagram (Finsta) on negative psychological emotions. A total of 262 valid samples were collected through online questionnaires survey. The study found that impression management is an important variable for users' false selfpresentation on Instagram. False self-presentation on Instagram has impact on negative psychological emotions, that is, it increases users’ depression, anxiety and stress. Instagram users present themselves differently on Rinsta and Finsta, and they present themselves more realistically on Finsta than on Rinsta. Although people show their true selves to their close friends on Finsta, the pressure of excessive reality is more likely to cause negative psychology.