本研究探討串流品牌經營的社群帳號內容特質,對品牌行銷與購買意願的影響。本研究以 Netflix Instagram 帳號為例,透過網路問卷調查法,計收集 334 份有效樣本。研究發現,社群帳號內容的資訊性、娛樂性和潮流性會正向影響消費者的品牌情感,而互動性、娛樂性及潮流性則會正向影響其品牌社群參與。此外, 品牌情感又正向影響消費者的觀影意願,以及其訂閱/續訂意願。研究發現可作為未來實務上串流平台品牌操作社群行銷之參考。
This study explores the influence of social media marketing activities (SMMAs), including informativeness, interactivity, entertainment, and trendiness, on subscription intention via brand sentiment and community engagement in an over-the -top context. This study takes the Instagram account of Netflix, surveyed 334 participants from the followers. The study revealed three key findings. First, perceived SMMAs (informativeness, entertainment, and trendiness) have significantly and positively influenced brand sentiment. Second, perceived SMMAs (interactivity, entertainment, and trendiness) have significantly and positively influenced community engagement. Third, brand sentiment exhibits a significant and positive influence on watching intention and subscription intention. The research findings can be used as a reference for brand community marketing in future practice.