2021 年台灣本土疫情爆發,其中萬華破口事件更是引發一連串的政治事件,甚至在 2022 年六都選舉中都有其後續效應。有別於典型個案分析的進路分析文本的意識形態運作與不同立場的操作方式,本文嘗試將這一連串的政治事件視為一個現象,透過「批判論述分析」(CDA),對環繞著破口與污名化議題的文本進行個別分析,檢視萬華如何與 「污名」連結,分析媒體報導如何在論述層次上組織兩者之間的關係,進而扣連到包括 「誰要負責」等政治議題。
This paper attempts to depict the struggle of how politically correct language such as “antistigmatization” becomes a double-edged weapon in the battlefield of the politics. Different from typical case studies which analyze the ideological function of the texts, this paper boldly perceives a series of political incidents related to Shih’s “Breaches” scandal as a social phenomenon and the political consequences as the position and effect of discourse in social struggles. By analyzing the differences and changes in language and words among texts, we can specifically depict how language and meanings it carries flow and transform, see the delicate details of how discursive struggles function and interact, and most importantly, understand the fact that that we can only comprehend the meanings of the “politically correct” language when it is placed back to its historical and social context.