2001年年會論文 -試論中國大陸的媒介分析之概況及特點
On media analysis and its features
Zhang, Yonghua
At present, as waves of new information technologies surge forward throughout the word, media analysis as an important category of communication research is demonstrating its significance. Worldwide, uses and impact of the new information technologies have become a hot topic for discussion, thus pushing forward research in the whole area of media analysis, attracting much academic attention to the area. In the mainland of China, media analysis has also received a lot of attention. In recent years, scholars in the mainland of China have explored many issues in the area, resulting in many publications. This paper attempts to make a survey of their research achievements and, on the basis of that, analyze the features of these achievements. Owing to the limitation of time and to limited materials available, the writer cannot possibly make a thoroughly comprehensive study of all the media analysis achievements. Therefore, the writer chooses to carry out the study mainly through a content analysis of the articles published in four journalism and communication journals in the country from 1996 to 2000, a similar analysis of the papers submitted to several journalism and communication conferences since 1995, and a discussion of two recent books on media analysis. As the writer’s knowledge of and reading in the literature of this area of research are very limited, and the materials available are also very limited, this paper is bound to have some limitations. Omissions may also be unavoidable, but certainly not intentional. The writer offers this paper just in the hope of inviting more comprehensive studies of the media analysis achievements in the mainland of China.
media analysis,new information technology