2001年年會論文 -傳播學縱向研究的設計與分析
Design and Analysis of Longitudinal Research in Communication
Exemplified by Lazarsfeld ’s panel studies of U.S. elections in the 1940s and McCombs-Shaw and others’ agenda-setting research over the last three decades, longitudinal research has played a central role in the birth and growth of communication theory. In recent years, Chinese communication scholars have shown increasing interest in this powerful research paradigm and its analytical tools. However, due to various technical difficulties, most courses on quantitative research methods in graduate schools of communication in the U.S. and elsewhere do not offer any training on how to design longitudinal research and how to analyze longitudinal data. The current workshop offers insights, tips, and tricks of the trade in longitudinal research design and analysis, drawing on my first-hand experience in carrying out large-scale longitudinal research in the U.S., Hong Kong, and Mainland China. The workshop is to cover the following five topics: (1) Overview of strategies and techniques of longitudinal research in communication; (2) Trend analysis of aggregate data over a few time points; (3) Cohort analysis of age-grouped data over a few time points; (4) Panel sample of individual-level data over a few time points; and (5) Time series analysis of aggregate-, grouped-, and individual data over many time points. Teaching Method: Two hours of lecture and questions-answers. Taught in either English or Chinese (Mandarin), depending on participants’ wish. A package of reading materials will be provided. Intended Participants: Up to 20 scholars, graduate students, or anyone else who are interested in longitudinal research. Prior knowledge of cross-tabulation analysis, ANOVA, multiple regression, and SPSS is essential. Familiarity with log-linear analysis, structural equation modeling, and LISREL is not required but desirable. Reading materials can be purchased at the production cost.