2001年年會論文 -國際新聞的「馴化」:香港回歸報道的比較分析
Domesticating International News: A Comparative Study of the Hong Kong Handover
Chan, Joseph Man、Lee, Chin-Chuan、Pan, Zhongdang、So, Clement Y. K.
Relevance is at the core of news values. How do journalists make sense of news events that happen elsewhere for their home audience? Focusing on a global event, the return of Hong Kong to China on July 1, 1997, this project seeks to understand the process by which journalists domesticate such an event and its consequences as expressed in content. Domestication refers to the way that journalists try to transform global events, through adaptation, into the relevance structure of national home audience. The methods used include indepth interviews with 76 journalists from eight regions, including China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, U.S.A., U.K., Japan, Canada and Australia, and content analysis of 26 media outlets from all the afore-mentioned regions except Japan. It is found that various nationally organized journalist communities rely on their own political authority structures, their own dominant political cultures (including national interest and enduring values), as well as their own cultural repertoire to make a global news event meaningful to domestic audiences. Media domestication is an integral part of the international political economy. The process of domestication varies with (a) the type of media (print, television, and news agencies); (b) self-perceived role as an international, national, or local medium; (c) organizational constraints of the media outlets; (d) the residential status of the journalists; (e) the biography of the journalist and (f) accessibility to the situs news perspective. However, cross-media system comparison made possible by the scope of our project concludes that national differences are more significant than intra-national variations in media ideology.
news domestication,international news,Hong Kong Handover