資訊科技匯流已經成為二十一世紀的傳播形態, 已逐步改變全球媒體市場的經營環境, 並掀起連串的合併熱潮, 有關資訊科技匯流的成因﹑演變﹑發展模式﹑對社會及經濟的影響等討論, 亦陸續在學術及業界出現, 本文除了綜合整理中外學術界對有關現象的分析外, 重點主要環繞資訊科技匯流對傳播政策的影響, 特別對比中港台三地在相應傳播政策的轉變作為研究對象。
資訊科技匯流對傳播政策的影響, 可以包括很多方面, 本文只集中討論以下三方面:政府的角色﹑規管模式和競爭法律。以往, 在資本主義社會, 傳播科技的應用及推動的責任主要落在業界身上, 政府一般只負起監管的責任, 但在科技匯流的新世紀, 政府有須要由被動的監管者轉變為積極的推動者, 才能促進知識形經濟的發展;另一方面, 過往將不同媒體以不同模式分別監管的政策亦面對挑戰, 資訊科技匯流導致媒體功\能重疊, 不同的監管模式會令政策出現雙重標準;而不少地區已因此重組規管架構, 包括由多重規管簡化為單一架構, 亦引入競爭法律, 有利跨媒體競爭等。
從兩岸三地的經驗, 可以窺見大中華對資訊科技匯流如何反應積極。走社會主義路線的中國在傳播政策及法律發展方面雖然起步較遲, 但亦緊貼科技發展的步伐, 特別是加入世貿在即, 傳播政策取向亦轉趨開放, 像去年第五屆五中全會(?)提出加強「三網融合」大方向, 便明確為資訊科技匯流鋪路, 但中國的問題不在政策是否存在, 而是政治上的角力及政策的落實執行。
身為亞洲兩小龍, 香港及台灣的經濟形態向來緊貼歐美, 在資訊科技匯流趨勢下, 亦可見二者如何透過不同政策及立法, 引進資本, 競逐作為區域性傳播中心的地位。但二地的矛盾是政府的角色的界定, 政府若太過高姿態, 難免干預自由市場的運作, 而且即使政府如何有意, 仍不能取代業界的努力。對資訊科技匯流的政策, 兩地政府雖有同樣取向, 卻仍須跟隨業界的興趣作決定。
整體而言, 中港台三地政府對新傳播科技的推動在此資訊科技匯流新世紀表現得毫不落伍, 無論在政策及法律更新方面, 逐步與西方先進國家有接軌的趨勢, 西方學者關注到資訊科技匯流除了導致企業合併風潮外, 會否造成傳播法律及政策匯流或趨向一元化發展? 從中港台三地的發展上, 可見三方的政策發展確實愈來愈接近。
Traditionally, the boundaries among the computer, telecommunications and television sectors have been very clear-cut. However, with the advent of digital technology in recent years, it has become possible to deliver the same content by way of these diverse media. As a result, traditional boundaries dividing these sectors have become blurred and led to the emergence of a ’convergence ’ phenomenon. These developments pose new problems and challenges for the regulators of media industries worldwide. This paper is an interdisciplinary study of this convergence phenomenon and its policy implication to the Greater China, namely, PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong.
The first part of this paper discusses the definition of technological convergence and then traces the emergence and development of such a convergence phenomenon. It also sets out various theories put forward by communications scholars to account for its emergence. It then examines the regulatory issues and concerns for media regulators that arise from the convergence phenomenon, with a focus on four issues: the role of government, sector-specific regulations, multiple regulators and competition law and policy. It then identifies three approaches usually adopted in different jurisdictions to deal with the convergence phenomenon: ’do-nothing ’, ’gradualist ’ and ’radical ’. In the capitalist economic system where technological development is usually regarded as a means to create new markets, governments are used to respond passively to technological innovations. However, with the advent of digital technologies and attracted by the rosy promises carried by the Information Society, government around the world begin to adopt a ’proactive ’ approach to foster the development of information technologies.
The second part of the paper reviews different policy approaches adopted by PRC, Taiwan and Hong Kong in dealing with the convergence phenomenon, by comparing the four issues discussed in the first part.