2007年年會論文 -美麗的鏡像身體或不健康的馴化身體?--- Show girl 身體價值觀研究
美麗的鏡像身體或不健康的馴化身體?--- Show girl 身體價值觀研究
在各大展覽場上的Show girl 總是穿著火辣性感,有著健康的形象、親切的笑容,是眾所矚目的焦點,也是廠商眼中用來吸引人氣的重要對象。近年來,因為名模風興盛,與模特兒工作屬性類似的show girl 成為想一圓名模星夢女性的最佳跳板,讓很多年輕女性趨之若鶩,成為現在年輕女性心目中最佳的打工選擇。

展場上的show girl 的身材大多都是苗條纖細、具有曼妙曲線的年輕女性,身材整體過於偏瘦。究竟show girl 本身傳遞出什麼樣的身材符號,是否有單一規定標準,標準又是什麼?這樣的身材標準如何而來?在這樣的標準下,showgirl 本身如何管理自己的身體?對於自己的身體持有何種價值觀?在show girl儼然成為現今年輕女性熱門打工選擇的當下,希望了解show girl 如何看待、又如何對待自己的身體,作為了解年輕女性的身體價值觀的一個管道。

根據研究結果指出,show girl 的身材普遍過瘦,強調有「纖細柳腰」以及「曼妙曲線」,而這是在廠商與經紀公司嚴格管轄下的「馴化身體」。同時因為「瘦即是美」的價值觀,show girl 都以極瘦的show girl(俗稱的「紙片人」)作為標準,他們的身體是一種反射的「鏡像身體」。而show girl 在「苗條霸權」控制之下,「寧要苗條,不要健康」,用著不健康的方式型塑身材,並認為理所當然。Show girl 在健康的形象下帶有不健康的身體價值觀,並在「主動」投入這場永無止盡的「苗條競賽」下,失去自我身體的自主性。
In every exhibition, show girls always wear sexy dressing and smile happily. They catch people ’s eyes and attract many customers to buy things they promote. In recent years, being model is popular in Taiwan. Be familiar with model, being a show girl is a dream of many young women in Taiwan. It is their best choice of doing a part-time job.

The figures of show girls are similar. They are always slim, bosomy, and not that short. They are too thin in the whole. The researcher wants to know that whether there is a standard of show girls ’ figure, what they are, and who sets this standard. The researcher also wants to know how show girls look upon their body, what the body value they have. From those questions, the research hope to understand the body value of young women.

According the research founding, show girls are too thin. Their figure are controlled severely by their brokers which make their body become ’the disciplined body ’. Because they think the thinner the prettier, they treat the thinnest show girl as their model of figure. Their body is just like the reflecting ’mirroring body ’. All show girls want to be slim women rather than be healthy ones. They use unhealthy ways to keep their figure and take it for granted. They join this endless ’the competition of slim ’ voluntarily, but lose the independence of their body at the same time.