1998年年會論文 -新聞產製市場理論的檢視─「京華城觀光休閒購物中心」動土事件之個案分析
The review of the market driven journalism theory: Case study of core pacific city
Chung, Chi-Hui
八十年代中期之後,美國學者針對新聞研究所累積的證據,一再顯示一種新聞學的基本改變。那就是記者依賴傳統職業規範(craft norms)所定義的新聞價值與報導準則已漸被以「服務市場」(serving the marketplace)為基礎的新聞學所取代(Underwood, 1993; Bagdikian, 1992; Kaniss, 1991; Lee & Solomon, 1991; McManus, 1992, 1994, 1995; Barnhurst & Mutz,1997)。

這種隱性的市場力量(market force),即是市場驅力新聞學(market- driven journalism)。簡言之,此一市場驅力對閱\聽眾(audience)、新聞(news)與發行量/收視率(circulation/rating)等三面向的討論,已經被消費者(consumer)、商品(product)與市場(market)等三個更宏觀的概念所取代。

市場驅力新聞學的核心觀點是以媒介微觀經濟學(microeconomics)中的「社會交易制約理論」(the theory of social transaction)來貫穿全部新聞產製的流程。

市場力量唯隱而不顯,將更具備深層的操控性,這是法蘭克福學派以「文化工業」批判西方資本主義商業媒體運作的內在機制。本研究特以個案分析(case study)的作法,試圖還原新聞事件被消息來源(公關公司)事前操弄策劃的過程,以及消息來源(新聞參考資料)與新聞文本之間的關係,藉以細緻舖陳新聞被商業操弄之事實。

After mid 80*s, the scholars in the States reveals the basic change of the journalism according to the evidences supported by their research.They found that the value of news and the forms of reporting defined by the traditional craft norms had been substituted by the journalism which emphasize serving the marketplace.

This kind of market force is also the market driven journalism. The market force based on the audience, news and circulation/ rating was replaced by the concept of consumer, product and market.
The main point of view of the market driven journalism connects the procedure of the journal by the theory of social transaction ofthe microeconomics.

The market force is so obscure that it is more manipulating, and this is what the scholars of Frankfurt school criticize how the western capitalists run their commercial media as "Cultural Industry". This research hopes to show the actual process of a news issue before it is plotted by the media source, and the relationship between the media source and the news itself by a case study in order to state carefully the truth of the news being manipulated by the industry.

The conclusion of this research shows the reverse relations of the media firms and the journal media because of the excellent technique of the plotting the news by the media firms and the lack of independence of the journalist media. We can also find out that the "news source" becomes a "mechanism", but not a particular person or a spokesman under the mode of commercialized media. This study also comes to the conclusion that the news media and the scholars should discuss how to maintain the journal quality and the interest of the readers and audience.
market driven journalism,news production,media economics,force