Advertising Car as a Nomadic Medium-A Critical Ethnographic Approach
Hsieh, Hsing-Chien
宣傳車係地方性廣告媒體,特點在於「沿街低速行駛、擴音放送訊息」。然而,在台灣行之有年的宣傳車,相關文獻可謂鳳毛鱗角,且多屬政治文宣或廣告效果的探討,忽略它長期作為地方性媒體、融於每日生活的一面。本研究採取批判民族誌的方法與精神,先進行田野實察與現象描繪,再從中反思宣傳車作為一街道行動者(actor)之文化意義,透過Michel de Certeau的「每日生活實踐」概念及「二次生產」分析模式,詮釋宣傳車的「聲音」與「速度」之於現代市街的實踐意涵。
Advertising Car is a nomadic medium in the sense that it moves slowly along main streets in cities and wherever it goes, Advertising Car broadcasts high-volumed commercials with the hope that modern citizens will tune in and receive the messages. Literature review shows that research on Advertising Car is few and most of them have their focus on the political and commercial effects of the campaign and advertising messages. My purpose is to examine the social practice of Advertising Car, which is regarded as a social actor on the street in our daily life. Critical Ethnography is the approach in this study. I will first contextualize the relationship between Advertising Car and the street based on the data collected in the fieldwork. Second, I will employ Michel de Certeau ’s concept of "the practice of everyday life" and "secondary production" to critically analyze the meaning of Adverting Car, mainly focus on the practice and connotation of "low speed" and "loud sound" in the modern city.
advertising car,de Certeau,Focault,practice of everyday life,consumption,power,critical ethnography